Selvican Sahin

Short biography

Selvican comes from Herne and graduated in 2022. She is currently planning to study human medicine. She was a student scholarship holder at RuhrTalenten and is currently a scholarship holder at the Hans Böckler Foundation. She is involved in voluntary work on topics such as anti-racism and living together in multicultural societies.

Selvican is from Herne and graduated from high school in 2022. She is currently studying
law at the RUB. She was a student scholarship holder at RuhrTalenten. She is currently a
scholarship holder at the Hans Böckler Foundation. In her free time, she deals with topics such as anti-racism and life in multicultural multicultural societies. She is also involved in an honorary capacity as a TalentKollegRuhr and is therefore also active in the TalentNetwork.

Selvican is completing her meet! internship at the Marion von Tessin Memory-Zentrum in Munich, Germany.